Want to join the European Route of Ceramics?
The European Route of Ceramics is a Cultural Route certified by the Council of Europe since 2012 and it aims at giving value to the cultural heritage linked to the production of ceramics and its old tradition, creating a sustainable and competitive tourism offer not only based on the artistic productions and collections (workshops and museums), but also on the whole cultural and social development that these destinations have lived over the years.
According to Article 7 of the Association’s Statute the authorities and organizations interested in joining the Association shall apply for membership, with appropriate documentation (Letter of Interest and Information Form) describing the possession of specific requirements as indicated in the Statute. Applications and relative documentations are evaluated both by the Scientific Committee and the General Assembly.
Who can apply
According to Article 5 of the Association’s Statute, members of the Association may include public territorial bodies of municipal, inter-municipal, provincial (departmental), regional (cantonal) and country dimensions, which may feature significant examples of ceramics entities on the respective territories and acknowledge the principles and purposes referred to in art. 3 of the Association’s Statute, working for this purpose, or the public institutions that represent their interests in the specific field of ceramics and which:
- are located within the boundaries of the Council of Europe;
- hold a significant ancient ceramics tradition or whose territories hold a significant activity in the ceramics industry.
The following entities could also be members of the Association: public or private non-profit organizations, whose mission and activities are coherent with the purposes indicated in art.3 of this Statute, and active in significantly spreading, representing and enhancing the ceramics cultural heritage, by way of example, but not limited to: associations, committees, foundations, non-profit sector entities.
Entities that desire to become a new member of the European Route of Ceramics have to complete le Letter of Interest and Information Form and send them to: info@europeanrouteofceramics.eu